
Spring arrives   

Po dlhom čase sme konečne mali prázdniny. Moji hostrodičia mi pripravili celkom zaujímavý program. Najskôr sme išli do Ashlandu, mestečko známe divadlom a Shakespeare-ovským festivalom. Divadlo každoročne ponúka množstvo hier od Shakespeara. My sme videli predstavenie Shakespeare in Love, vtipnú komédiu o Shakespearovom živote. Nasledujúci deň sme sa zúčastnili na prehliadke zákulisia. Bolo to naozaj zaujímavé. Ako som sa dozvedela toto divadlo, respektíve divadelný komplex skladajúci sa z 3 divadiel, je najlepším divadlom v Oregone. Našou ďaľšou destináciou bol Bend. Cestou sme sa zastavili pri Crater lake. Je to jazero v kaldere sopky. Údajne jedno z najkrajších miest v Oregone. My sme však šťastie nemali, keďže celé jazero bolo zahalené v hmle. V Bend sme navštívili Smith Rock, oranžové skaly. Mne sa tam veľmi páčilo, možno aj preto, lebo sa konečne oteplilo a na oblohe nebolo ani obláčika. Prázdniny sme zakončili mojím frisbee turnajom, tiež v Bend. Celkom sa nám darilo. Umiestnili sme sa na druhom mieste, síce len zo štyroch...
Smith Rock

Meeting with my international friends
Me eating an Oreo at the tournament
Our frisbee team
Crater lake covered with fog
Place where we stayed in Ashland
Shakespear in Love
Outside theater in Ashland

After a long time, we finally had a break at school. With my host parents, we made a small tour around Oregon. First we went to Ashland to see a play Shakespeare in Love. Ashland is a small town famous for its theatre. We also did a backstage tour which was really interesting. The theatre consists actually of 3 theatres; one of them is outside. Our next destination was Bend. On the way there, we stopped at Crater Lake. It was supposed to be the highlight of our trip, one of the prettiest places in Oregon. However when we got there, the whole lake was covered with fog. In Bend we went to Smith Rock; this was my favorite part of this trip. I also met my Exchange student friends, Alicia from Spain, and Frong from Thailand. My spring break ended with my frisbee tournament also in Bend. For the first time the weather during a tournament was very nice. I even got a funny sun tan. 

20-24.3.2017 Finals week
Celkom to teda beží. Skončil sa druhý trimester, už mi len jeden ostáva. Ako je mojím zvykom, dostala som samé Áčka, hurááá, a ani si to nevyžadovalo študovať na testy. Jediný normálny test sme mali na španielčine. Na hodine literatúry a počítačov sme mali záverečnú prezentáciu. Na literatúru si každý pripravil prezentáciu o komikse. Najskôr sme sa učili teóriu a potom sme to mali aplikovať na knihu podľa vlastného výberu a v podstate sme mohli rozprávať o hocičom. Ja som vždy z prezentácii nervózna, a preto som so sebou nebola spokojná, no pani učiteľka ma aj napriek tomu pochválila. Na počítačoch som len odprezentovala svoju prácu za celý trimester. Konkrétnejšie, ukázala som moje vlastné web-stránky, keďže som študovala web dizajn. Na hodine Americkej histórie sme namiesto záverečného testu mali aktivitu o zhodení bômb na Hirošimu a Nagasaki. Na poslednej hodine, International Foods, sme museli čistiť a robiť inventúru kuchýň. Keďže ja neznášam upratovanie, chopila som sa zoznamu kuchynského náradia a iba som zapisovala. 

Time is running fast. The second trimester ended, only one to go. As usual I got all A’s. It didn’t even require any effort to study for the finals. My finals were very easy. I had basically the only test in Spanish. In Literature and in Computers we just did presentations. In Literature we learned about comics. The task was to talk about our comics, what we read and how the comics compare to what we have learned. Even though I wasn’t satisfied with my presentation, the teacher said I did a great job. The presentation in my Computer class was very easy. I just showed the whole class what I did throughout the trimester. To be more accurate, I showed websites that I created using various tools. In US History, the final was a discussion about dropping the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In International Foods, we had to clean and make an inventory. I grabbed the list for inventory and was checking everything, since I hate cleaning.

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