
Grants Pass, Roseburg & 1st trimester ends

Orientation Grants Pass 
Po dvoch mesiacoch konečne nastal čas ďalšieho Rotary víkendu.  
V piatok sme sa ubytovali do hostrodín, tento víkend som strávila v hostrodine spolu s Frong z Thajska a Trinou z Dánska. V sobotu sa uskutočnil World fair, prezentovali sme naše krajiny budúcim výmenným študentom. Medzi američanmi sú veľmi populárne španielsky hovoriace krajiny a Európa. Napriek to mu o Slovensko nikto nemal záujem, no dúfam, že moja prezentácia zaujala a niekto si vyberie moju krajinu. Poobede sme išli do Bears Hotel. Je to vianočné zábavné centrum pre deti s rôznymi aktivitami. Na chvíľu sme sa vrátili do detských časov a súťažili o cukríky. Ďaľšou zastávkou bolo centrum mestečka Grants Pass, tam sme mali hodinový rozchod. Centrum bolo veľmi malé, no zato malo nádherné vianočné dekorácie. Večer sme mali vianočnú párty u riaditeľa študentských výmen našeho distriktu. Počúvali sme hudbu, tancovali, vyvrcholením večera však bolo rozdávanie darčekov. Každý doniesol darček, dostali sme čísla a podľa poradia sme hrali "hru". Mohli sme si otvoriť nový darček alebo ukradnúť darček niekoho iného. Mne sa táto hra nepáčila, keďže som celý čas tŕpla, že mi niekto ukradne môj darček. Nakoniec som však veľmi dobre obišla s poukážkou do kaviarne. V nedeľu ráno sme sa všetci stretli a rozlúčili. Ešte pred tým nás však naša hostrodina pozvala na raňajky do mesta. Bolo to od nich veľmi milé. Ako je už v Amerike zvykom, všetky jedlá boli obrovské. Výber jedál mi pripomínal skôr obed alebo večeru, kto by predsa jedol grilované mäso na raňajky... 

Finally after two months the next orientation meeting came and we met with the exchange students again. On Friday everybody arrived at Grants Pass. Just like the last time we were divided into hostfamilies. This time I was with Frong from Thailand and Trine from Denmark. It was very nice to get to know them better, because I hadn't really gotten a chance to get to know them before. On Saturday there was a World fair, we as students currently on exchange presented our homecountries to future exchange students. I would say that favorite countries for americans are spanish speaking countries and countries in Europe. Hopefully my presentation was interesting enough to make at least one person go there. In the afternoon we went to Bears Hotel. It is a christmas entertainment centre. For a moment I felt like a child again and played games to win candies. Our next stop was downtown Grants Pass. Although it is very small it was very nice. In the evening there was a christmas party at Dan’s house (the chair of rotary youth exchange in our district). We listened to the music, danced, but the highlight of the evening was gift exchange. We exchanged the gifts by playing a game. Everyone brought one present. We got numbers and went in order. You could either open a new present or steal somebody else’s present. I didn’t really like the game, because the whole time I was scared that somebody would steal my present. Luckily I ended with a Dutch Bros gift card. On Sunday morning our hostfamily took us out for breakfast. As always in America the portions were huge. On the menu there were a lot of meals with meat and potatoes, that didn’t seem like breatkfast to me at all. After that we met everybody to say goodbye... 

Weekend in Roseburg
Cez víkend sme s Linou navštívili výmenných študentov bývajúcich v Roseburgu. Pozerali sme filmy, hrali bowling a tiež sme boli na oslave Oliverových narodenín. Oliver je výmenný študent z Dánska. 
V nedeľu, už späť v Eugene, sme išli s Linou a Mayou do trampolínového centra. Ani som nevedela, že je niečo takéto v mojom meste. Skákanie na trampolínach bol super zážitok.

During the weekend Lina and I visited Lucia, another exchange student from Slovakia (by coincidence we are the only two slovaks in our district and have the same name). We have also met another exchange students who are staying in Roseburg, we went bowling and then to Oliver’s birthday party. Oliver is an exchange student form Denmark. It was very nice to get together with other students.

On Sunday, back to Eugene, Lina, Maya and I went to the trampoline center. I didn’t know that there was a such place in my town before. I really enjoyed it. 

School-1st trimester ends
Ako sa blížil koniec trimestra učitelia nás strašili blížiacimi sa testami. Testovanie bolo rozdelené na dva dni. V prvý deň sme mali testy z prvej, tretej a piatej vyučovacej hodiny. Pre mňa to bola španielčina, rock climbing a matematika. Najviac som sa obávala rock climbingu, keďže okrem lezeckých zručností sme mali aj náročný teoretický test. Museli sme vedieť mnoho o lezeckom náradí, či jednotlivých typoch pohybu (edging, smearing... ani preložiť sa to nedá). Z čoho som bola prekvapená, bol priebeh testu z matematiky. Mali sme k dispozíci dva papiere so vzorcami, okrem toho sme mali povolené napísať si "ťahák" a akoby nestačilo mohli sme sa ísť poradiť k učiteľke. Druhý deň sme mali testy z druhej a štvrtej vyučovacej hodiny. Ja som mala iba test z chémie, keďže z cateringu test nebol. Aj na chémii sme mali povolený "ťahák". Zaujímalo by ma, či všetci dostali Áčka...
Ja som na vysvedčení dostala samé Áčka, musím priznať, že som na seba hrdá. Predsa len všetky predmety boli v cudzom jazyku.  
Keďže bol koniec trimestra dostali sme zo školy dva dni voľna.

As the first trimester was coming to the end teachers decided to threaten us with upcomings tests. The test were split over two days. On the first day we had test from first, third and fifth period. I had spanish, rock climbing and math. The hardest test for me was the one in rock climbing. Besides climbing and tying knots we also had a written test. There was a lot about climbing equipment and techniques such as smearing, edging etc. What really suprised me was the test in math, because we were allowed to use two papers filled with formulas moreover we were allowed to write a note card.
On the second test day there were tests in second and fourth period. For me it was just chemistry, because there was no test in catering. For the chemistry test we were also allowed to use a note card and a formula sheet. I think everybody should have gotten an A.
My final grades for the first trimester were straight A’s. I can say that I am pround of myself, because all the classes were in foreign language after all.
As the trimester ended we got two days off.