
Softball game

Konečne sa ukázalo slnko vo večne upršanom mestečku, Eugene. Prichádza jar a s ňou aj nový sezónny šport, softball. Na začiatku hry som bola úplne zmätená, čo sa to deje. Našťastie ma moji hostrodičia oboznámili s pravidlami. Na moje prekvapenie som bola na konci hry už rozumela všetkému, čo sa na ihrisku odohráva. (Nie ako americký futbal, z toho som ešte stále chvíľami zmätená.) Najskôr som si myslela, že softball je vlastne ako baseball, ale pre ženy. Moji hostrodičia mi však vysvetlili, že to nie je celkom pravda. Softball je síce pre ženy, ale má odlišné pravidlá. Ja to však veľmi porovnať neviem, keďže som ešte hru Baseballu nevidela, dúfam však že sa to čoskoro zmení.

Spring is coming and together with new season also new sport, softball. At the beginning of the game I was completely confused what is happening on the field. Luckily my hostparents explained to me the rules. Suprisingly enough, I was able to understand the game towards the end. (Not like American football, I am still confused after watching several games.) At first I thought that softball is like baseball for women. However as I found out, it is not really true. Softball is for women but has also other rules. I can't really compare it as I have never seen a baseball game but I hope that it will change soon.

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